Sunday, September 7, 2014

Tyler S. Millard

I am Tyler Shane Millard, a 21 year old aviation student at Eastern Michigan University.  Not only am I a student of aviation, I am also a Midshipman First Class in the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps at the University of Michigan.  Right now I have an air contract with the United States Marine Corps to have a shot at Naval Flight school and becoming a Naval Aviator.

I have been interested in aviation since I was old enough to remember.  I come from an Air Force family and my Father always carried my passion for aviation.  He would always take me to air shows, get me rides in airplanes, and when I was old enough he took me along to his flight lessons when he was working towards his private pilots license.  Aviation was my life and I did everything I could to surround myself by it.  Every opportunity I had I would read aviation related books, attend aviation classes, and whenever there was an aircraft in the air I would have my eyes to the sky.  Not only was I impacted by aviation, but also the military.  Ever since I was five years old I wanted to fly fighter aircraft for some branch of the United States Military. 

Today, I am blessed to say that I am following not only my passion and dream for aviation, but also my dream of becoming a Marine Corps Pilot.  I currently am a senior in college with my instrument rating, and have an air contract with the United States Marine Corps.  In May of 2015 I will be commissioning as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps and will be heading down to MCB Quantico in Virginia to attend The Basic School.  After completing The Basic School I will be reporting to NAS Pensacola to begin Naval Flight School.  After that I hope to train to become a pilot of the F/A-18 Hornet.

In the World today there are many interesting things happening with aviation.  What most interests me is aviation and the Military.  The technology both new and old is a topic that is always interesting to me and is one I try and keep up to date on.  Also, current events pertaining to conflict and action throughout the World is one of intrigue.  I do my best to keep in tune with the problems in the World because one day it could effect me and my career in the United States Marine Corps.

1 comment:

  1. Nice introduction. Good for you for keeping up with current affairs. This is important regardless of which career path you pursue, but I can see how it is of particular interest to you given how directly effected you may be in the future.
